List of articles and monographs

Transport policy and economy

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[Artículo] - Study of Transit-Oriented Development model implementation on the surroundings of Alicante high-speed rail station 
David Bautista Rodríguez, Armando Ortuño Padilla, Patricia Fernández Aracil, Juan Carlos Sánchez Galiano, Antonio Mompó Guerra 
[Artículo] - A first evaluation of the relationship between High Speed Rail (HSR) and the tourism sector in Turkey: The cases of two Turkish cities 
Gulcin Dalkic, Hediye Tuydes-Yaman, Marie Delaplace 
[Artículo] - Measuring The Long-Term Regional Economic Impacts of High-Speed Rail in China Using a Dynamic SCGE Model 
Zhenhua Chen 
[Artículo] - Economic, geographical and time-based exclusion as main factors inhibiting Spanish users from choosing High Speed Rail 
Francesca Pagliara, Fabrizio Menicocci, José Manuel Vassallo, Juan Gómez Sánchez 
[Artículo] - Break-even point analysis of the Business Plan for a High-speed line in Egypt as a measure of financial sustainability 
David Maté Sanz, José Ángel Fernández Gago, Silvia Chapinal Rivera 
[Artículo] - Can High Speed Rail enhance tourism?. The spanish experience 
Juan Luis de la Campa Cascales 
[Artículo] - Public Polices in Railways: The Railway Network in Douro Region 
Pedro Pinto y André Pires 
[Libro] - Social cohesion in the peninsular Spain after the implementation of the high-speed railway 
José Manuel Naranjo Gómez 
[Libro] - Railway sector liberalisation in Europe: effects on productive efficiency and on transport markets 
Carlos Lérida Navarro 
[Artículo] - Location of the population in the Spanish territory and its relation to travel distances 
Jesús Vega Galán, Iván Palacio Vijande, Luis E. Mesa Santos 
[Artículo] - The Impact of the Regional Railway Management - The Ferrocarril de La Robla and the Tua Line cases 
André Pires, Francisco Diniz 
[Artículo] - Human and organisational factors,the current railway safety challenge in spain 
Pilar Calvo Holgado 
[Artículo] - Can a high speed commuter rail be justified? The Galician case 
José Enrique Villarino Valdivielso 
[Artículo] - New rail network for the Mediterranean corridor 
Joan Saura Serrat 
[Artículo] - Economics and Technology, together in the Railway Telecommunications 
Víctor Andrés Martín Moreno (INECO) 
[Artículo] - Accessibility of the existing commuter network in Madrid and its influence on Madrid Commuter railway Infrastructure Plan (2009 -2015) 
Eduardo Ramos García 
[Artículo] - Railway motorways. A future investment in mixed high speed lines? 
Lorenzo Jaro Árias, César A. Folgueira Chavarría 
[Artículo] - High speed, threat or opportunity for small cities? 
Rodolfo Ramos Melero, Gonzalo Sanz Magallón-Rezusta 
[Artículo] - Deregulation of rail passenger 
José Enrique Villarino Valdivielso 
[Artículo] - High speed line maintenance strategy for 20 years 
Inés Álvarez Amandi 

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