List of articles and monographs


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[Libro] - Comunicación, publicidad y modernidad. El caso del eje ferroviario Madrid-Córdoba-Málaga (1848-1900) 
Deborah González Jurado 
[Libro] - Dinámica de los trenes en alta velocidad. Cinemática ferroviaria. 
Alberto García Álvarez, Ignacio González Franco 
[Libro] - The rail freight transport system as strategic factor for the sustainable development of the territory. Application to the metropolitan area of Zaragoza 
Alfonso Escudero Amor 
[Libro] - Railways as a cohesiveness factor of territories. ´Metropolitano Alfonso XIII´ and its impact on Madrid´s development 
Antonio Martínez Moreno 
[Libro] - 1920 Strike and Railway Rates 
Teófilo Serrano Beltrán 
[Libro] - Multimodal Transport in Latin America. Past, present and future 
Evaristo Martín Fernández (Coordinador) 
[Libro] - Prehistory of the railway 
Jesús Moreno 
[Libro] - Basis and development of seismic control systems for railways: application to spanish high speed rail (AVE) 
José Luis Rodríguez Rodríguez 
[Artículo] - Methodology to determine the optimal design speed in a High-Speed Line 
Ignacio González Franco 
[Artículo] - LOS ANGELES-BOSTON: 20h on High Speed 
Luis Fort, Carmen Fort 
[Artículo] - Atlas-rail: geo-referenced database on high-speed 
Sergio Martín Cabo, Luis Eduardo Mesa Santos, Iván Palacio Vijande 
[Artículo] - Evolution of the role of the Consultant Engineer in High-speed Railway Projects along the last 25 years, in Spain 
Adrián Escobar, Enrique Rico, Jorge Escobar 
[Libro] - Rail-ways in Barcelona 
Enrique Viana Suberviola 
[Libro] - Compañía del Tranvía de San Sebastián (San Sebastian Tramway Company), 1887-2´12, 125 years of public transport in the capital city of Guipuzcoa 
Juanjo Olaizola Elordi 
[Libro] - Graphic Memory of the Spanish Railway 2015-2016 
Gonzalo Rubio García 
[Libro] - Railway station of the Compañía de los Caminos de Hierro del Norte de Valencia. Genesis. From the idea to the project. From materials to construction 
Aurora Mª Martínez Corral 
[Libro] - Análisis DAFO y Prioridades Científico Tecnológicas y de innovación del Sector Ferroviario Español. Actualización, junio 2017 
Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles 
[Libro] - Contribution to the efficient design of track layout of high-speed lines 
María del Pilar Martín Cañizares 
[Libro] -  Renfe, 75 years of history (1941-2016) 
Miguel Muñoz Rubio 
[Libro] - Engineering and technical aspects of the construction of the high-performance freight rail line in Extremadura and its effect on the economic competitiveness of the region 
Juan Francisco Coloma Miró 

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