Page 294 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
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Grande, Zacarías. Torralbo, Julia. Lobera, José Manuel. Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos. Castillo, Enrique.
Figure 11. Current line Vitoria-Zaragoza
2.2.2 High Speed line proposal
In this case, similarly to the previous one, a high-speed railway line is projected with:
• Mixed traffic, because this region currently bear an important amount of freight trains and
Zaragoza aims to position itself as a major logistic centre.
• Iberian-gauge track (1,668 mm) and a design speed of 250 km/h, in order to reduce the
environment impact over this high-value region (La Rioja), to improve the average speed of
the current line and to permit the usage of the new line by regional and freight services.
Moreover, due to the high amount of regional services and low-speed freight trains that are
currently circulating, it is planned to maintain the conventional line service.
Hence, the proposed line, depicted in Figure 12, mainly consists of a new brand high-speed line
together with the rehabilitation of the line through the Logroño metropolitan area and from
Castejón (Navarra County) to Zaragoza, which is a segment with a high quality alignment.
Figure 12. Initial proposal of ADST (Vitoria-Zaragoza Case)
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