Page 302 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 302

Berrios Villalba, Antonio. Martínez Acevedo, José Conrado. Tobajas Guerra, Carlos. Gómez Alors, Antonio.


                 The  connection  will  be  made  to  the  system  of direct  current  as  that  introduces  a  major
                 technological component in the project. The project will develop the following elements and
                 main concepts:
                    •  Ferrolinera standard and quick
                    •  Interface  and  communications  between  Ferrolineras connected  to a single  computer
                       energy converter
                    •  Ferrolinera (supercapacitors) distributed storage system

                    •  Interface and communications of e-maintenance and management of the system
                    •  Computer power converter
                    •  Use of photovoltaic solar energy infrastructure

                    •  Network quality control system

                                                       Figure 7: Project scope

                 Within the scope of the project covers various activities of research, development and innovation
                 of the technology necessary to continue optimizing the use of electricity from the power of
                 ADIF network itself, as well as the use of clean energy regenerated by the train during braking.
                 A third source of energy from a photovoltaic system is added to the project.

                 It uses storage distributed in the own recharging stations and not concentrated on an electrical
                 substation of traction (this approach best reulta from an energy point of view).

                 In addition, the power electronics equipment necessary to carry out the energy transfer between
                 the catenary, distributed storage system, and integrated renewable energy sources, as well as
                 to ensure the quality of the generated power cruising will be developed. This technology looks

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