Page 271 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 271

Study of Transit-Oriented Development model implementation on the surroundings of Alicante
                   high-speed rail station

                              Figure 11: Separated cycleway in the surroundings of the high-speed rail station. Source: own photo.

                     Figure 12: A high capacity cycleway with physical protection, turning lanes and an advanced stop line for cyclists in Hangzhou,
                                                      China. Source: TOD standard 2.1.
                   Actions on the parking spaces: the purpose is to increase bicycle parking areas inside the public
                   parking destined to cars in Estación avenue. This area is really small so the goal is to extend
                   it up to a quarter or even half of the first-floor surface. The same actions are suggested to be
                   taken in Maisonnave avenue parking spaces.
                   The previous measures should go together with an increase in the parking fares, as a deterrent
                   against the use of cars, as well as social fares for bicycles (free-parking at the beginning).
                   The  peak  time  for the  use  of parking  places  (Alicante  city  council,  2016)  is  around  11:00,
                   approaching an occupancy rate of 90%. The rest of the day the demand is around 50-60%.

                                        Figure 13: Maisonnave parking at low demand times. Source: own photo

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  269
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