Page 267 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 267

Study of Transit-Oriented Development model implementation on the surroundings of Alicante
                   high-speed rail station

                                                                                        Possible points
                            Category                                                    Mini-   Maxi-    Points

                                                                                        mum     mum
                                                Residential and non-residential uses combi-
                    5.1    Complementary uses                                            0       10        4
                                                    ned within same or adjacent blocks
                                                Percentage of buildings that are within 500
                    5.2    Accessibility to food   meters radius of an existing, or planned,   0   1       1
                                                          source of fresh food
                                                 Percentage of residential units provided as
                    5.3     Affordable housing                                           0        4        0
                                                          affordable housing
                               Total                                                     0       15        5
                                                Average density in comparison to local con-
                    6.1     Land use density                                             0       15        15
                               Total                                                     0       15        0
                                                 Urbanised areas number near to existing
                    7.1        Urban site                                                0       10        10
                                                           urbanised areas
                                                 Number of different transport line stations
                    7.2      Transit options                                             0        5        5
                                                        short distance accessible
                               Total                                                     0       15        15
                                               Total off-street area dedicated to parking as a
                    8.1     Off-street parking                                           0       10        4
                                                      percentage of total land area
                                                Average number of driveways per 100 meters
                    8.2     Driveway density                                             0        2        2
                                                           of block frontage
                                                Total road area used for motor vehicle travel
                    8.3       Roadway area      and on-street parking as percentage of total   0   8       0
                                                              land area.
                               Total                                                     0       20        6
                            Total points                                                 0       100       65

                          4.1     Evaluation

                   Apart from the previous quantitative results, another type of evaluation is needed as the model does
                   not take it into consideration. From our point of view, some aspects should have been kept in mind.

                   First of all, the scoring system drastically rewards passing some thresholds. This may mean that
                   a difference of one percentage point could imply an increasing of 5 points, while in some cases,
                   a difference of 20 percentage points could not carry any reward, depending on the indicator.
                   This evidences a lack of equality and may identify the need of a non-gradual distribution of
                   the points. Yet it is an equilibrate model, based on quantitative measures and not only on
                   qualitative ones.
                   In addition, the habits and characteristics of the citizens have not been taken into account. The
                   societies are not all identical and some policies may be well accepted in one city but may not
                   be in another. It is important that the area of application is open to those type of projects so as
                   not to cause refusal (it could be measured by surveys). Thus, the need for taking measures to
                   let people know about the benefits of this type of planning could be measured.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  265
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