Page 263 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 263

Study of Transit-Oriented Development model implementation on the surroundings of Alicante
                   high-speed rail station

                              PRINCIPLE 3  CONNECT                                                  15  Points

                      A                 Walking and cycling routes are short, direct and varied
                     3.1   Small blocks                          Length of the longest block        10   Points
                      B            Walking and cycling routes are shorter than motor vehicle routes

                     3.2   Priorized connec-   Ratio of pedestrian and cycle intersections to motor vehicle   5   Points
                              PRINCIPLE 4                          TRANSIT
                      A               TOD requirement: high quality transit is accessible on foot

                     4.1   Walk distance to       Walk distance (meters) to the nearest transit station   TOD require-
                                transit                                                                ment
                              PRINCIPLE 5                            MIX                            15  Points

                      A         Trip lengths are reduced by providing diverse and complementary uses

                     5.1    Complementary     Residential and non-residential uses combined within same or   10   Points
                                                                 adjacent blocks
                            Accessibility to   Percentage of buildings that are within 500 meters radius of an
                     5.2                                                                             1    Point
                                food                  existing, or planned, source of fresh food
                      B                       Lower income groups have short commutes

                     5.3  Affordable housing   Percentage of residential units provided as affordable housing   4   Points

                              PRINCIPLE 6                          DENSIFY                          15  Points
                      A     Residential and job densities support high quality transport and local services
                           Land use den-
                     6.1                       Average density in comparison to local conditions    15   Points
                              PRINCIPLE 7                         COMPACT                           15  Points

                      A                      The development is in an existing urban area
                                              Urbanised areas number near to existing urbanised
                     7.1     Urban site                                                             10   Points
                      B                         Travelling through the city is convenient

                                             Number of different transport line stations short dis-
                     7.2  Transit options                                                            5   Points
                                                               tance accessible
                              PRINCIPLE 8                           SHIFT                           20  Points

                      A                    The land occupied by motor vehicle is minimized
                           Off-street par-    Total off-street area dedicated to parking as a per-
                     8.1                                                                            10   Points
                                king                      centage of total land area
                           Driveway den-    Average number of driveways per 100 meters of block
                     8.2                                                                            2    Points
                                sity                               frontage
                                             Total road area used for motor vehicle travel and on-
                     8.3   Roadway area                                                             8    Points
                                               street parking as percentage of total land area.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  261
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