Page 357 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 357

A methodological approach to analyze the territorial appropriation of high-speed rail from interactions
                   between actions and representations of local actors

                   evolves  and  takes  specific  forms  according  to  the  categories  of  actors.  From  the  political
                   and  institutional  actors’  sides,  the  negotiations  on  the  choice  of  rail  services,  the  spatial
                   planning intended to encourage the integration of stations and the strategies to promote and
                   to enhance high-speed rail, shed light on the territorial appropriation of the new transport
                   infrastructure.  From  the  users’  and  economic  actors’  sides,  the  appropriation  of  the  new
                   transport supply appears at this stage through the way they adapt their travel practices to the
                   changes introduced by high speed rail. The joint analysis of these different appropriative logics
                   thus makes it possible to assess the coherence of the implemented development strategies by
                   relating them to the appropriation forms that have accompanied the preparation of the HSR
                   project. The example of small-sized French and Spanish cities (Facchinetti-Mannone, et al.,
                   2013) has thus clearly emphasized that the strategies developed to facilitate the expansion
                   of new metropolitan functions near the peripheral HSR stations corresponded neither to the
                   expectations of companies which, in their great majority, have not regarded HSR as a factor
                   of location, nor to the strengthening of the polarization of large cities revealed by railway
                   customers’ travel practices.

                   - Most high-speed lines in operation today offer the necessary perspective to analyze the "post-
                   consumption appropriation” stage. The follow up of valorisation strategies and complementary
                   surveys to those already carried out will help to improve the understanding of the forms of
                   appropriation that accompany the trivialization of the transport service. If the reorientations
                   of development strategies highlight the evolution of the appropriation logics, the follow-up
                   of these strategies will be more specifically put into perspective with the way in which the
                   renewal of rail accessibility and the development projects created by HSR have been integrated
                   into the territorial projects. The latter will be approached through an analysis of the “Schéma
                   de  Cohérence  Territoriale”  (SCOT) .  The  general  and  transversal  nature  of  these  planning
                   documents, intended to reinforce the link between spatial planning and travel management
                   policy makes it possible to objectively apprehend the role devoted to high-speed rail in the
                   territory project, the degree of the integration of stations into territorial development strategies
                   as well as their degree of appropriation by institutional actors.
                   For instance, the comparison between the territorial coherence plans of “Pays Barrois”(served
                   by  the  Meuse  TGV  station)  (Pays  Barrois,  2014),  Great  Besançon  (served  by  the  Besançon
                   Franche-Comté  TGV  station)  (  Syndicat  Mixte  du  Schéma  de  Cohérence  Territoriale,  2014),
                   and Great Rovaltain (served by the Valence TGV station) (Syndicat Mixte du SCOT du Grand
                   Rovaltain-Ardèche-Drôme, 2014), all served by new HSR stations built on the outskirts of cities,
                   underlines the very different roles played by high speed rail in the territorial project. Despite a
                   similar spatial distribution of train stations, the three territorial planning documents point out
                   distinct modes of appropriation of high-speed rail by local political actors. Thus, high-speed rail
                   occupies a marginal place in the territorial project of the Pays Barrois. This low appropriation
                   contrasts with the strong willingness to transform the new transport supply into a vector of
                   European  openness  and  economic  development  of  Greater  Besançon,  or  into  a  ferment  of
                   coherence and territorial identity in the case of Rovaltain.

                   The modalities of appropriation identified through these planning documents will have to be
                   compared with those of the other categories of actors and more specifically with the way in
                   which railway users and economic players adapt the new transportation supply to their daily
                   lives and functioning. Early business surveys revealed that high speed rail, whatever its use and
                   degree of influence in firms’ location decisions, has introduced a number of changes in their
                   functioning. Some of them have taken advantage of the land available in the vicinity of the
                   stations to gather activities formerly scattered over several national or regional sites in a single
                   place. Others have taken the opportunity offered by the improvement of accessibility to acquire
                   new markets, expand their recruitment area or develop new economic partnerships. Beyond

                   4    Territorial Coherence Plan established on the metropolitan area scale.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  355
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