Page 353 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 353

A methodological approach to analyze the territorial appropriation of high-speed rail from interactions
                   between actions and representations of local actors

                   strategies of appropriation (the contamination, the knowledge, the creation and the control)
                   which come in a specific way according to the different stages of consumption act (Brunel and
                                   Tab. 1: Comprehensive analytical grid of appropriation

                                           Contamination       Knowledge          Creation          Control

                     Pre-appropriation        Intrusion       Impregnation     Preconception  Will to vanquish

                     Pre-acquisition                          Researching        Ressource
                     appropriation          Identification    information        allocation        Takeover

                     during acquisition       Transfer           Choice        Personalization  Taking possession
                     appropriation         Internalization      Discovery      Transformation      Possession
                     during consumption     Incorporation       Learning       Self-fulfilment    Domination
                     Post-consumption                       Dissemination / Transformation of
                     appropriation           Passing on       Withholding     self and society    Enjoyment

                   Their chronological approach appears relevant to examine how the territorial appropriation of
                   high-speed rail changes throughout the three main stages of the HSR projects (see figure 2):
                   Over the two or three decades which have elapsed between the first evocations of the project
                   and the conclusions of the public debate, appropriation has built up gradually from the numerous
                   and often contradictory representations which condition the territorial identification of the HSR
                   project and the ability of local actors to collaborate and to implement development projects.
                   During this gestation phase, numerous studies from the transport operator and the institutional
                   and socio-economic actors have helped fuel the debate. Although at this stage nothing has
                   been decided yet, the mobilizations against or in favor of the infrastructure project, lobbying
                   actions, the first technical and economic feasibility studies – now widely co-financed by local
                   actors - then the consultation organized for the public debate have given a virtual reality to
                   the project.

                   Then, the project gets into an active stage of development which constitutes a turning-point in
                   the spatial integration of infrastructure. Reports and consultations preceding the Declaration
                   of Public Utility (DUP) allow to refine the technical and spatial characteristics of the project,
                   to evaluate its socio-economic and environmental impacts and to consider its financing terms.
                   Preliminary engineering studies and public inquiries gradually give substance to the HSR project,
                   reducing the range of possibilities before the DUP initiates its concrete realisation. From there,
                   preliminary project studies, land acquisitions, financial negotiations, the construction site and
                   the definition of railway services replace one another and materialize the “désir de gare” (desire
                   for a rail station) (Troin, 2010). The new HSR station becomes a valuable potential resource and
                   gives rise to anticipation strategies that are expressed through development projects and an
                   intense territorial marketing campaign.
                   The official opening of the high-speed line renews the forms of appropriation. During the first
                   years of operation, new travel practices have accompanied the adjustments of transport supply.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  351
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