Page 355 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 355

A methodological approach to analyze the territorial appropriation of high-speed rail from interactions
                   between actions and representations of local actors

                   of this pre-acquisition stage. The balances of power between proponents and opponents of the
                   project and/or between competing territories, reflect the conflictual dimension of appropriation
                   in a quest for a progressive coherence between local actors’ expectations and the transport
                   operator’s logic. As the “Cours des Comptes” has pointed out in a recent report (2014) devoted
                   to high-speed rail, these initial consultations contribute to fixing the project into local reality,
                   as it is shown by the beginning of the considerations on the strategies to be implemented to
                   take advantage of the real or alleged opportunities of the arrival of high-speed rail.
                   From the choice of the HSR route to the Declaration of Public Utility, a phase during which the
                   technical and spatial characteristics of the project are defined together with the stakeholders
                   concerned, appropriation changes its nature, getting closer to the sequence of “appropriation
                   during acquisition” that Brunel and Roux have defined as a phase of choice of conditions the
                   most appropriate to the realization of the desire. If the choices of the HSR route and location
                   of stations reduce the scope of possibilities they give a symbolic weight to the project which
                   becomes identified with the served territory. During this stage, the territorial agents negotiate
                   the best conditions to give concrete expressions to their expectations with the infrastructure
                   operator  and  they  conceive  the  development  strategies  to  convert  the  improvement  of
                   accessibility into attractiveness.

                   From  the  Declaration  of  Public  Utility  to  the  completion  of  the  infrastructure  works,  «
                   l’appropriation  pré-consommation  constitue  une phase  intermédiaire  où  l’objet n’est pas
                   encore consommé et incorporé, mais préparé et intégré dans une mise en scène préalable
                   à sa consommation»  (Brunel et Roux, 2006). During this particularly active phase of mutual
                   adjustments  between  representations  and  expectations,  territorial  actors  take  hold  of  the
                   project  and  give  it  a  meaning  by  adopting  the  first  accompanying  measures,  initiating  the
                   negotiations on HSR services and elaborating territorial marketing campaigns.

                   The opening of the HSR line marks the transition to the stage of appropriation while consuming.
                   The  expectations  created  by  the  new  transportation  supply  among  the  different  categories  of
                   actors are submitted to reality and lead to positive or negative evaluations (Brunel and Roux,
                   2006). This appropriation by use, which marks the gradual integration of the new transport supply
                   into users’ and economic actors’ travel practices and territorial development strategies, indicates
                   successive adjustments between the territory and the new transport system. Finally, the post-
                   consumption appropriation, that accompanies the trivialization of the transport supply, refers to
                   what the territory retains from its experience according to the expectations created by the project.
                   Becoming an integral part of the territorial identity, high-speed rail is, at this stage, integrated
                   into territorial actors’ everyday life, contributing, through the story-telling of the project, to the
                   orientation of attitudes and beliefs in future situations of choice (Brunel and Roux, 2006).
                   Although the complete grid proposed by Brunel and Roux to analyse individuals’ appropriation
                   acts in a context of food consumption could easily be applied to the various stages of an HSR
                   project for understanding the territorialization of stations, its transposition nevertheless raises
                   a few remarks which require further clarification. Even if HSR gives access to new destinations
                   and alters the image of served territories, it is not an ordinary consumer product. Thus, it
                   will be necessary to re-examine the appropriative dimension of HSR stations in the light of
                   the relations that the various actors maintain with these places and the forms of territorial
                   appropriation that they may generate. The transposition of analytical methods designed to
                   describe individuals’ appropriate actions to the questions posed by the territorialization of high-
                   speed rail also requires caution and circumspection. Indeed, even if individual appropriation
                   remains a collective process (Taddei and Staii, 2008), territorial appropriation cannot be reduced
                   to the aggregation of forms of individual appropriations but is built through the interactions of
                   the appropriation logics of the various categories of actors.
                   3   [Translation: " pre-consumption appropriation constitutes an intermediate stage during which the object is not yet
                   consumed and incorporated, but prepared and integrated into a staging prior to its consumption"]

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  353
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