Page 361 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 361

A methodological approach to analyze the territorial appropriation of high-speed rail from interactions
                   between actions and representations of local actors

                   whereas the SCOT of Great Rovaltain has made the new HSR station a real local symbol (Lussault,
                   2007) and a strong element of territorial identity at the service of its economic development.
                   The exploration of the imaginary dimension of HSR stations from the representations conveyed
                   by the speeches of the actors involved in their territorialisation is a useful complement to
                   the reconstitution of appropriative trajectories. A comparative analysis of the representations
                   and values of HSR stations will help to clarify how this imaginary dimension contributes to the
                   appropriation of high-speed rail. A dual comparison will be implemented. First of all, for each
                   project, the comparison of the representations of different categories of actors will allow to
                   understand how their mutual influence boosts the territorial appropriation of high-speed rail.
                   Through their  interactions,  the  various individual  representations  thus  identified  contribute
                   to  build  a  collective  image  of  high-speed  rail  which  is  much  more  than  the  aggregation  of
                   the multitude of individual representations according to the principles of systemic thinking.
                   Secondly, putting the different analyzed cases into perspective will allow to interpret the spatial
                   fluctuations of these representations in relation with the different choices of the location of
                   stations and the measures implemented to enhance their integration.
                   5.     Conclusion

                   By focussing the analysis on the many relations between the practices and representations of
                   local actors involved in the territorialization process, the challenge is to grasp appropriation
                   in its multiple components in order to understand the interactions between the location, the
                   integration  and  the  appropriation  of HSR  stations  according  to  the  various  contexts  of HSR
                   projects  implementations. Analyzing  the  logics  of  HSR  appropriation  suggests  new  research
                   perspectives  in  order  to  examine  the  diverse  forms  of  territorialization  of  high-speed  rail.
                   By mobilizing various data and observation angles (see fig. 3), the methodological approach
                   considered  in  this  paper  makes  it  possible  to  understand  how  spatial  representations  and
                   practices  feed  each  other  and  to  specify  the  mutual  influence  of  the  appropriative  logics
                   of territorial actors during the successive stages of the territorialization process. The initial
                   exploratory  analyses  thus  reveal  the  emergence  of  different  forms  of  appropriation  which
                   emphasize that the territorialization of high-speed rail and HSR stations is ultimately the result
                   of the overlapping of multiple territorialities which could be identified by the joint study of
                   spatial practices and representations. By considering representations induced by high speed
                   rail, my study allows to shed light on the actors’ interactions involved in the territorialization of
                   the new transport supply, integrating the symbolic and imaginary dimensions that guide spatial
                   strategies and practices throughout the temporality of the HSR project.

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