Page 218 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
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Coronado, José María. Ureña, José María.
Ciudad Real also grows more than the average of these cities (see Figure 4).
Figure 4:
Population Evolution: Ciudad Real and Average of Compared Citie
Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística
It seems that the provincial capital city of Ciudad Real, the first stop of the Madrid-Seville
HSR line, an administrative, service and university city, has taken a positive growth path in
comparison to other similar provincial capital cities. Nevertheless, while during the 20 first
years after the arrival of the HSR, its comparative growth seems to increase in comparison
to the average of the other cities, during the last four/six years this positive growth diffe-
rence seems to be maintained (see Figure 4).
In the case of Puertollano its comparison with the other selected industrial cities (see Table 4
and Figure 5) shows that its total growth is smaller than all the other cities except one (Baeza).
During the period prior to the arrival of the HSR, when it was already being built (1981-1991)
Puertollano grew less than all the others, except two (Daimiel and La Carolina). During the
period just after the HSR (1991-2001) it grew less than all of them, except for two (Baeza and
Manzanares). During the sixteen years later (2001-2016) it grew less than all of them, except
three (Bailén, Andújar and Linares).
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