Page 155 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 155

Central versus Peripheral High-Speed Rail Stations: Opportunities For Companies to Relocate?
                   The cases of Reims Central Station and Champagne-Ardenne Station

                                  Table 6. Hierarchy of location factors self‐reported by firms 12

                      Location factor          1st factor            2d factor             3rd factor
                       Frequency (%)      Bezannes  Clairmarais  Bezannes  Bezannes   Clairmarais  Bezannes

                     Lack of competition    4.00%                                        5.26%
                     Accessibility         24,00%                17.39%     10.71%                  5.26%
                     Public transport                             4.35%      7.14%
                     Proximity to highways             6.06%      4.35%      3.57%                  10.53%
                     Employment area                                         3.57%
                     Proximity of city‐centre          6.06%                14,29%                  5.26%
                     Available land         4.00%
                     Rail station                      6.06%                 7.14%                  5.26%
                     Image of Reims         4.00%      3.03%      4.35%
                     Image of the district   8.00%     9,09%      8.70%     17.86%      31,58%      5.26%
                     Location               4.00%                 4.35%
                     Office availability    4.00%     15.15%     26.09%     21.43%      15.79%      21.05%
                     Rent costs                        9,09%      4.35%      3.57%       5.26%      5.26%
                     Car parking           12.00%                 8.70%      3.57%      10.53%      10.53%
                     Proximity of clients   12.00%    21.21%      4.35%                 21.05%      10.53%
                     Proximity of services             6.06%
                     Proximity to home                            4.35%      3.57%       5.26%
                     Proximity of Reims                                                  5.26%
                     Proximity of head offices         3.03%
                     Business takeover                 3.03%
                     Company strategy       4.00%                 4.35%
                     HSR                   12.00%     12,12%      4.35%      3.57%                  21.05%
                     Visibility             8.00%
                            Total          100.00%    100.00%    100.00%    100.00%    100.00%     100.00%
                   Source: authors’ own work.

                   In  Bezannes,  the  analysis  of  prime  location  factors  cited  by  stakeholders  shows  the
                   importance  of  accessibility  (24%),  HSR  (12%),  car  parking  (12%),  and  the  proximity  of
                   clients (12%). In Clairmarais, proximity of clients (21.21%) is the number‐one factor cited,
                   followed by office availability (15.15%) and finally the presence of HSR (12%).
                   The role of HSR, as a location factor, is different in each area. In Clairmarais, HSR is an
                   additional factor (it is rarely cited as the number‐one location factor), while it is almost
                   always reported as the primary location factor in Bezannes.
                   Cross‐referencing the number‐one location factor and the type of company location is also
                   interesting (Table 7).

                   12   For the first factor and both areas, the null hypothesis H  (that there is no difference between the distribution) must
                   be rejected. The calculated p‐value with Fisher’s exact test (0.003) is less than the level of confidence α = 0.05; the alter‐
                   native hypothesis H  (that there is a difference between the distributions) can be accepted.
                   For the second factor and both areas, the null hypothesis H  (that there is no difference between the distribution) can be
                   accepted. The calculated p‐value with Fisher’s exact test (0.598) is greater than the level of confidence α = 0.05.
                   For the third factor and both areas, the null hypothesis H  (that there is no difference between the distribution) can be
                   accepted. The calculated p‐value with Fisher’s exact test (0.097) is greater than the level of confidence α = 0.05.
                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  153
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