Page 93 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 93

The role of the ertms users group in the consolidation of the ERTMS technical specification for
                   baselines 2 and 3

                       the previous SRS 3.3.0. In 2016, a second release (SRS 3.6.0) was added to TSI CCS, adding the
                   possibility to use packet switching technology (GPRS) and on-line key management.

                          4.2     Present and future developments

                   At present, the ERTMS Users Group is working in coordination with the European working groups
                   and  authorities  in  applied  research  areas  included  in  the  global approach  of the  Shift2Rail

                                »  Use of satellite navigation provided by Galileo to the incorporation of Level 3
                                 applications (with hybrid Level 3 as a first step) and virtual balises
                                »  Automatic Train Operation, (with and without train driver)

                                »  Alternative for GSM-R
                                »  Improved IT-Security
                                »  Enhancement Braking Curves harmonisation

                   Facilitating the solutions to difficulties encountered along the deployment of Baseline 2 and
                   Baseline 3, the EUG pays special attention to crucial aspects like:

                                »  Backwards  compatibility,  assuring  the  compatibility  of Baseline  3  trains  with
                                 Baseline 2 lines
                                »  Migration from conventional class B systems to ERTMS and migration within ERTMS
                                »  Improved performance (RAMS) and
                                »  Lower Life Cycle Costs, making ERTMS more competitive with conventional class
                                 B systems.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  91
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