Page 88 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 88

Michel Ruesen. Jaime Tamarit.

                 1.    The demonstration of the feasibility of the Railway interoperability  in the
                 nineties (EMSET)

                 In the middle of the nineties, Head of DG TREN Mr. Edigio Leonardi was commissioned with full
                 political support for the consolidation of the interoperability of the Trans European Network for
                 Railways. He decided to close the pure paper work launching a project within the Fourth
                 Framework Program with the aim of demonstrating at real scale the feasibility of Railway

                 Interoperability by the deployment of ERTMS. Spain offered the new high-speed line MadridSevilla
                 to perform the experimental demonstration. 40 Km of this line between La Sagra and Mora
                 stations and the CEDEX railway laboratories where allocated to this project, of EMSET acronym
                 (European Madrid – Sevilla Eurocab Test). This project carried out under the umbrella of the
                 ERTMS Users Group took place between the years 1.994 and 2.000.
                 This project  was  performed under  the  technical  supervision  of the  European  Commission,
                 represented by Mr. Antonio Colaço, Mr. Emmanuel Parent de Curzon and Mr. Claudio Traverso.
                 The main outcomes from this project where the following four:
                 I.  The signalling companies of UNISIG, in a precompetitive phase, found a neutral place, of
                    highest quality, to perform cross tests, fundamental for interoperability consolidation.
                 II.  The  UNISIG  companies  where  able  to  cooperate  closely at  technical  level  producing  a
                    reference test lab constituted by 37 tools. This lab at CEDEX was later the seed for the
                    reference laboratories, accredited for the certification of ERTMS Constituents.

                 III. Before testing on the line, the cross test between two companies going to the line was
                    previously debugged in the CEDEX laboratory. Consequently, there were no incidents with
                    the commercial traffic during more than one year of the tests on line. Lesson learned: When
                    putting a commercial project in service, debug the project in the laboratory before starting
                    deployment of equipment on the track.
                 IV.  At the end of this project, the ERTMS Users Group, UIC and RENFE delivered in Madrid to the
                    European Commissioner for Transport, Ms. Loyola del Palacio the first version of the System
                    Requirements Specification. The SRS version delivered was the 2.0.0 .

                 2.    The first consolidation of the technical specification (Pilot Lines): Facing the
                 first difficulties

                 After the experimental feasibility test carried out in EMSET, the technical specifications were not
                 yet backed by the feedback of the experience of the commercial projects. The first commercial
                 project was the Spanish High Speed Line Madrid – Lérida (460 Km), awarded to the French
                 Compagnie de Signaux, later acquired by ANSALDO.

                 To get feedback from first commercial operation, the ERTMS Users Group, with the support of
                 the European Commission, started the deployment of ERTMS pilot lines in the six countries of
                 the group plus Austria, Switzerland and Vienna.
                 Mr. Antonio Colaço supervised technically the pilot experiences. The main difficulties faced
                 along this phase were the following:
                 I.  UNISIG delivered a version of the System Requirement Specification containing hundreds
                    of the  so-called  “Designer  Choices”. A  designer  choice  was  a  requirement  not  affecting
                    interoperability, of free election by the project designer. This approach introduced a great
                    uncertainty in the certification process. The Steering Committee of UNISIG named them also
                    “Don’t care” requirements.

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