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The role of the ertms users group in the consolidation of the ERTMS technical specification for
baselines 2 and 3
3.1.3 The activities of the ERTMS Users Group within the global envi-
The EUG focus its activity within this global frame on providing support within the different
phases of the process of putting lines into service, considering aspects like:
» Analysis and design » Operation
» Testing » Assessment
» Commissioning
Specifically, this support provides help in areas related with the assurance of the interoperability
of the projects, like Engineering guidelines, TSI clarifications, Mitigation measures, Correction
of application guides and Correction of TSI trough the CCS. All these activities are fundamental
for the processes of tendering, deployment and putting in service railway lines where the
sharing of experience is a fundamental benefit.
Apart from this assessment, the EUG plays a central role in the enhancement of ERTMS with
new functionalities making the system more attractive by its efficiency and performances. The
innovation activities of the Shift2Rail programme (in which EUG also participates) are aligned
with this enhancement.
3.2 Baseline 2: suited for its purpose
The specifications of Baseline 2 are the reference for the first railway lines put in service in
almost all European countries. All these lines have meanwhile converted to Baseline 2 SRS
2.3.0d. They have reached very satisfactory performance after several migration processes
with the lines in operation, before reaching the final consolidated specification. Baseline 2
specifications (SRS 2.3.0d) are included in TSI CCS since 2008.
International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor 89