Page 69 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 69

Current situation and prospects of electric traction systems used in High-Speed railways

                       The simulations carried out conclude that the use of this type of converters in a line like the
                   High-Speed line Madrid-Seville has different operative advantages:

                   •  The imbalance factor on the grid is almost completely reduced. This aspect is important
                       because a railway line like this one, with a high traffic density, connected to a transmission
                       line with a not very high short-circuit power, can affect to a greater extent the electric
                   •  In case of a degraded scenario (failure of a substation), the voltage drop in the line is op-
                       timally regulated (Figure 14).
                   •  Disappearance of the neutral zones, which means that trains do not have to interrupt the
                       traction bus through the route.

                                 Figure 14A. Degraded operation mode and drop voltage. Conventional system. (Source: Adif).

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  67
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