Page 45 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 45

Technological, economic and sociological factors on the maximum design speed of high speed trains

                       5.   Conclusions

                   However even if the exact quantitative values are treated with reserve,  Figure 5 nevertheless
                   presents a common trend: whatever effort is considered, there is a progressive rise with respect
                   to  the  maximum  operational  speed.  The  higher  the  considered  level  the  more  costly  each
                   additional speed step-up turns out to be.
                   This is contrary to the expected benefit in terms of travel time reduction, which performs on a
                   diminishing scale. Traveling at 400 km/h maximum speed results in a travel time reduction of
                   18% compared to travelling at 300 km/h, while 600 km/h maximum speed reduces the travel
                   time just by 10% compared to 500 km/h. Note, already the time span t(v) required to travel a
                   fixed given distance  is a  hyperbolic, i.e.  a declining,  function of the velocity , reviewed
                   under steady-state conditions temporarily disregarding operational aspects.

                   As  a  final  result,  the  authors  expect  the  maximum  velocity  in  operation  to  tend  against  a
                   saturation point, but which is depending on external factors, too. The balancing of the benefits,
                   efforts and issues such as crosswind stability and energy supply substantiates the assumption
                   that a further increase of the maximum speed of wheel-rail systems beyond 400 km/h will
                   depend on external influences and looks apparently not reasonable today, which could change
                   in the future under changed conditions. The technology will be there to support to run with
                   even higher speeds.

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                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  43
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