Page 42 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 42

Schumann, Tilo. Meyer zu Hörste, Michael. Heckmann, Andreas. Lemmer, Karsten.

                 is (with high-speed, freight and regional trains) the more line capacity gets lost. For a speed
                 over 200 km/h it is difficult to operate mixed traffic lines [30]. Many of the HSLs in the world
                 are  used  exclusively  by  high-speed  trains:  Ligne  a  grande  vitesse  in  France,  Shinkansen  in
                 Japan, Passenger Dedicated Lines (PDL) in China and Lineas de Alta Velocidad (LAV) in Spain.
                 The different gauge between HSL and the old network in Spain and Japan prevents these lines of
                 being used by conventional trains. In Germany most of the HSLs are built to allow mixed traffic
                 all the day. The advantage is a better line utilization and a more efficient freight train operation
                 due to shorter route length, low gradients and possibly longer trains. Due to safety reasons
                 in tunnels and capacity restrictions the freight traffic is limited to the night time when there
                 is no passenger traffic. The disadvantage is this concept is the lack of time for maintenance
                 works which has to be done with track or total line closures [31]. In France or Japan HSLs are
                 completely closed for intensive maintenance all the night.

                 To increase the capacity of an HSL the trains should be operated at the same speed. For this
                 also trains with more stops (comparable to the Kodama trains on the Tokaido Shinkansen in
                 Japan, which stop every 15-50 km) have to use strong motorized vehicles [32].
                 A general problem of increasing the speed of passenger trains is a growing disparity between
                 the operational effort (energy, wear, etc.) and the travel time savings. The travel time reduces
                 in a hyperbolic way, the additional benefit diminishes with higher speed, but the effort grows

                       4.1     Optimized Traction force with very high speed

                 For the operational analysis special train models for 300, 500 and 600 km/h are derived from
                 the specified NGT 400. For the 300 km/h level also a special version of the NGT is used and not
                 existing HSTs to preserve comparability.

                 The dimension of the engines increases drastically with the speed. The 400 km/h version has
                 to handle 18 MW driving power whereas the 600 km/h version has to be designed with at least
                 40 MW. The latter value doesn’t include efficiency losses and power demand of auxiliary and
                 comfort systems so the electrical systems have to be designed with significantly more power.
                 Usually  trains  are  designed  with  additional  traction  force  for  instance  to  handle  gradients.
                 In view of the enormous propulsion power to install the idea is to dispense with a reserve. A
                 simulation showed that the effect of this saving is not significant. For a line like the new built
                 one from Stuttgart to Ulm there are some sections with 25‰ gradient. Considering a quite
                 low slack time percentage of 3% the journey between the two cities would be only 20 seconds
                 longer. Thus other use cases look similar and it can be stated that a design without a traction
                 force reserve is acceptable.

                       4.2     Demand analysis for the reference line Paris-Vienna

                 To gather information about the effect on passenger demand of increased travel speed, the
                 NGT reference line from Paris to Vienna is chosen for analysis. An operational concept for this
                 line for 400 km/h was developed at an earlier stage of the NGT project [33]. The model is
                 reused and modified for the following speed levels: 300, 400, 500 and 600 km/h.  The passenger
                 demand model is based on the European rail network. It includes almost all cities with 50 000
                 inhabitants  and  more. These  are  1900  cities  with  237  Mio  inhabitants  in  countries  totaling
                 525 Mio inhabitants. 120 000 kilometers of rail lines (50% of the real network) are used by
                 2000  routes  with  an  accurate  modelling  of  travel  times  and  stops.  Statistical  data  for  the
                 calibration originates from Eurostat [34]. It has accuracy on the NUTS-2 level. These are smaller
                 countries in Germany or regions in France. Additional data from the UIC statistics was used
                 to complement and verify the Eurostat values [35]. The model is used with four operational
                 scenarios corresponding to the speed levels.

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