Page 44 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 44

Schumann, Tilo. Meyer zu Hörste, Michael. Heckmann, Andreas. Lemmer, Karsten.

                 Table 2 shows the results of the operational analysis of the different speed levels. The average
                 speed between Paris and Vienna is increasing by 53%, whereas the average speed of all passengers
                 using a part of line is increasing by 23%. The big percentage of using classical railway and the
                 access and egress times reduce this kind of speed. But this value tells us to require big efforts
                 for a network-wide increase of speed and the combination of fast access transport modes like
                 urban public transport or private car or car-sharing in less-dense populated areas.

                 The number of necessary trainsets is similar over the speed levels, because the higher speed allows
                 a more intensive use of trains which compensates the higher demand. The traffic (operational)
                 performance increases by 57%, though the speed is doubled and the energy consumption triples.
                 This figure shows the faster growing effort compared to a regressive benefit. The operational
                 performance of the trainsets is impressively high; at 600 km/h the project-defined limit of one
                 million kilometres per year is exceeded. A very intensive maintenance is necessary. Probably
                 this will be a big part of the operational cost. The life expectancy probably won’t be 30 years as
                 those by other rail vehicles, especially taking the lightweight construction into account. Thanks
                 to a compulsory reservation and the relative small vehicle size, it’s possible to reach high seat
                 utilization of above 80%.

                              Table 2: Compilation of operational aspects for the speed levels

                                                             300 km/h    400 km/h     500 km/h    600 km/h

                 Average speed between Paris and Vienna [km/h]   244         297         338          375
                 Average speed of all passengers using the line at
                 least for a part of the journey including dwell/  119       130         138          146
                 access/egress times [km/h]
                 Specific  energy  consumption  at  wheel  level   21.0     34.5         48.9         66.4
                 [Wh/(km * seat)]
                 Number of NGT trainsets  (incl. 10% operational
                 buffer)                                         37          40           42           44
                 Operational  performance  on  the  line  Paris-
                 Vienna [Mio trainset-km/year]                  29.4        36.3         40.7         46.3
                 Average operational performance of one NGT                                        1 052 000
                 trainset [km/year]                            786 000     916 000     973 000     (above limit)
                 Seat utilization (reservation compulsory)       81%         86%         87%          84%

             42                                                                             360.revista de alta velocidad
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49