Page 397 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 397

Measuring The Long-Term Regional Economic Impacts of High-Speed Rail in China Using a Dynami

                       Specifically,  the  model  assumes  that  each  economic  sector  produces  one  commodity  each,
                   maximizing profits through a nested production structure with both intermediate goods and
                   primary  factors through  a  Leontief  function  at  the  top  nest,  as  illustrated  in  Figure  2.  On
                   the right-hand side, primary goods are produced from three types of factor inputs, including
                   land, capital and labor, the latter one of which is derived from a third-level CES nesting called
                   skill  nest,  representing  a  substitution  of  different  types  of  labors.  On  the  left-hand  side,
                   the  intermediate  goods  are produced  through  various goods  under  a Constant  Elasticity  of
                   Substitution (CES) production function, each commodity is further derived from a composite
                   with both domestically produced good and imported good through a third-level CES function
                   (also known as Armington nest). In the fourth-level nest, a domestically produced commodity
                   can be decomposed by different origins of production through a CES function, which essentially
                   reflects inter-regional trade interactions. In the fifth-level, various margin costs are then added
                   to any specific commodity through a Leontief production function. In the sixth-level, the source
                   of each margin is aggregated through a CES function.
                   TERM assumes household maximize utility, assuming a Klein-Rubin functional form, which is a
                   non-homothetic utility form and subject to budget constraint .  The model does not distinguish
                   regional and national government, but government activity functions include government taxes,
                   government income and expenditures. TERM considers two types of taxes, including commodity
                   tax  and production  tax.  Dynamic  features  of the TERM follow the  structures  of ORANIG-RD
                   single  region model, which  includes  equations  representing  rules for  capital  accumulation,
                   investment and wage adjustments (Horridge, 2012). Specifically, capital accumulation can be
                   represented as:

                   where K   denotes the quantity of capital stock available to sector i in region r in year t, l
                   represents the quantity of investment in sector i in region r in year t and D  represents the
                   rate of depreciation. The base year quantity of capital stock is provided exogenously, whereas
                   the level of investment is determined by the expected rate of return in sector i in region r in a
                   given time period. Horridge (2012) indicates that the investment mechanism in dynamic TERM
                   involves two basic assumptions: 1) investment/capital ratios are positively related to expected
                   rates of return and 2), expected rates of return converge to actual rates of return via a partial
                   adjustment mechanism. The two assumptions are represented in equations 2 and 3, respectively:

                   where G denotes gross rate of capital growth in the next period and E denotes expected gross
                   rate of return in the next period; M represents the ratio between the expected gross rates of
                   return E and normal gross rates of return R  normal ; Q denotes (max/trend) investment/capital
                   ratio, and G trend  is represented as a function of R normal . Implementation of the first equation
                   assumes that each sector has a long-run or normal rate of return and requires an exogenously
                   determined expected gross rate of return, whereas calibration of the second equations requires
                   to specific parameters, such as investment elasticities α, investment/capital ratio G and normal
                   gross rate of return R    , all of which need to be provided exogenously.

                   1   Non-homothetic means that rising income causes budget shares to change even with price ratio fixed.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  395
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