Page 402 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 402

Zhenhua Chen

                 production activity, following Chen et al., (2016)’s approach, labor productivity of passenger
                 rail system is adopted as a proxy to measure the productivity change of rail sector. Essentially,
                 as denoted in Equation  6, labor productivity  (P) is a ratio which  is derived from  using the
                 passengerkm (PKM) divided by the number of employees in each region (r):

                                           Source: The Compilation of Railway Statistics, 2003-2014
                                  Figure 6. The Average Labor Output Change of Passenger Rail in China: 2002-2013

                 Figure 6 illustrates the change of labor output (PKM/Employee) by different regions for the
                 period 2002-2013. The general trend of the average labor output is growing, which suggests
                 that the productivity of passenger rail has been improved since the massive development of
                 HSR. The performance in some regions, such as the Yangtze River Mid-Reaches and the South
                 coast, experienced some fluctuations during 2006-2012. This is primarily due to the expansion
                 of labor force in rail transportation sector due to the opening of several main HSR services, such
                 as the Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR.

                 •  E. Data for SCGE Modelling

                 The benchmark data used for SCGE modeling is based on the SinoTERM database (Horridge and
                 Wittwer, 2008), which contains the national input-output or use-supply table of China in 2002
                 as well as regional data used for the estimates of regional distribution of output and final de-
                 mand. A detailed TERM database structure and development process could be found in Horridge

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