Page 49 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 49

High-speed rail in developing countries and potential inequalities of use: the case of Morocco

                       The question is now to identify the effects of high‐speed rail on inequalities in Morocco.

                   4.     High‐speed rail in Morocco and the issue of access inequalities

                   A national master plan for high‐speed lines in Morocco was drawn up in 2005. The construction
                   of 1,500 km of lines is expected by 2035 along two axes: the Atlantic axis and the Maghreb axis
                   12 . This plan could reinforce the already significant inequalities in access to rail transport. Other
                   possible inequalities are associated with income levels and uses of rail transport.

                          4.1     The national master plan for high‐speed lines and the public transport
                       network in Morocco

                   The west and north of Morocco are equipped with a railway network serving both travellers and
                   freight (shown in green on Map 1).

                           Map 1. High‐speed lines and the wider public transport network in Morocco

                                               Source: modified from Ipemed, 2014, p. 81.

                   12  This second axis, planned for the very long term, might enable services from Rabat to the eastern part of Morocco, and in
                   particular Meknes and Fez, then Taza, Taourirt and Oujda, and then Algeria and Tunisia.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  47
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