Page 35 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 35

Intermodal passenger transport in Spanish high-speed rail stations

                                              Figure 11. Conventional passengers Purpose. Per stations

                   8.     Air/rail intermodality. The cases of Madrid and Barcelona

                   According to the results obtained in the survey:
                   For Madrid:
                       •  2,5% of the passengers leaving/arriving Puerta de Atocha (HS) went/came from Madrid-
                          Airport (Barajas). That means about 450.000 passengers per year.
                       •  80% of these passengers had their O/D in foreign countries, the rest (20%) had it in Spain

                       •  The main mode chosen to link airport and HS is train (40%), followed by taxi (33%)

                     Mode chosen FROM/TO the Airport TO/FROM
                                   Puerta de Atocha
                                       Private car                                       6,8
                                          Taxi                                          33,1
                                         Metro                                           9,1
                                       Urban Bus                                         10,5
                                   Commuter railways                                    40,3
                                      Renting car                                        0,3
                                        Total                                           100,0

                                   Table 2. Modal choice: Madrid Puerta Atocha – Madrid Airport link

                       •  2,9% of the passengers leaving/arriving Chamartín (HS) went/came from Madrid-Airport
                          (Barajas). That means about 130.000 passengers per year.
                       •  61% of these passengers had their O/D in foreign countries, the rest (39%) had it in Spain

                       •  The main mode chosen to link airport and HS is train (53%), followed by Metro(24%)

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  33
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