Page 30 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 30

Jaro, Lorenzo. Folgueira, César.

                                                Figure 2. Accessibility to stations. Details

                 3.    Car accessibility

                 The detailed analysis for “Car”(including taxi) show that this mode has the highest modal share,
                 from 30% up to 70%, with “normal” values between 40-60%. (Fig. 3)

                 However, Taxi shows different behaviour depending on the size of the city. Except for Girona, it
                 remains between 10-30% of “Car”.

                 4.    Bus accessibility

                 In relation to the bus, and as can be seen in the Figure 4, the results highlight the following:

                 •  There is a low participation of the bus, especially intercity bus, as access / egress mode.

                 •  In Madrid and Barcelona, as has already been mentioned, the main “public transports” are
                    metro and train (> 35%), Bus remains under 3%.

                 •  In medium cities, Urban bus modal share between 4-12%
                 •  Intercity bus between 2,5-5%, only for passengers of conventional services in Zaragoza, it
                    reachs 7%.

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