Page 36 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 36

Jaro, Lorenzo. Folgueira, César.

                 Mode chosen FROM/TO the Airport TO/FROM
                                   Private car                                       3,3
                                      Taxi                                           18,8
                                     Metro                                           24,2
                                   Urban Bus                                         0,7
                               Commuter railways                                     52,9
                                      Total                                         100,0

                                  Table 3. Modal choice: Madrid Chamartín – Madrid Airport link

                 For Barcelona:
                    •  2,5% of the passengers leaving/arriving Sants Station (HS) went/came from Barcelona-
                       Airport (El Prat). That means about 250.000 passengers per year.
                    •  86% of these passengers had their O/D in foreign countries, the rest (14%) had it in Spain
                    •  The main mode chosen to link airport and HS is train (61,5%), followed by taxi (37%)

                  Mode chosen FROM/TO the Airport TO/FROM
                                Puerta de Atocha
                                   Private car                                        1,5
                                       Taxi                                          37,0
                               Commuter railways                                     61,5
                                      Total                                         100,0

                                Table 4. Modal choice: Barcelona Sants – Barcelona Airport link

                 9.    Conclusions

                 The main conclusions of these studies are:

                 Car  (including  taxi)  is  the  main  mode  of  access,  followed  by  public  transport  in  great  and
                 medium cities or walk access in little cities.
                 For public transport, commuter trains and metro are the main options. Only bus (urban bus) is
                 the selected choice when there is no other public alternative. Intercity bus is a low option as
                 access/egress mode (3-5%).
                 For capital cities most of the passengers (85-90%) are going/coming from the very cities or their
                 Metropolitan  Area/province,  whereas  other  capitals  with  important  “tourist”  destinations,
                 show a lower value (50-70%).

                 Related with Air/HSR intermodality in Madrid and Barcelona, currently there is an important
                 flow of passengers using both Terminals, rail and air, with estimations of 600 Madrid and 250
                 Barcelona (000 yearly pax)

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