Page 288 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 288
Pérez del Caño García, Silvia.
Country City Project Name Sponsor
Francia Paris La Defense Public
UK Londres Canary Wharf Private
EEUU New York Hudson Yards Private
Australia Perth Perth City Link Public‐Private
Italia Milán Porta Nuova Private
UK London Kings Cross Private
Madrid Distrito Castellana Norte Private (4)
Valencia Valencia Parque Central Public
Zaragoza Zaragoza Alta Velocidad Public
Gijón Gijón al Norte Public
España Barcelona Barcelona Sagrera Public
Logroño Logroño Integración del Ferrocarril Public
Valladolid Valladolid Alta Velocidad Public
Alicante Alicante Alta Velocidad Nodo del Transporte Public
Murcia Murcia Alta Velocidad Public
Table 2: Sponsor of Urban Regeneration Projects
Source: Own elaboration
The most striking aspect of analysis is the model of city proposed, which is showed by building
coefficient: All the Urban‐Rail Regeneration Projects designed today in Spain have building
coefficient much smaller than its equivalents in other parts of the world.
The most important Urban Redevelopment Projects in Paris and London at the end of the SXX
(La Defense and Canary Wharf) were designed with much higher coefficients (4 times greater),
The Hudson Yard Project at New York is ten times bigger and the Perth Project is double from
Spanish ones average building coefficients. The urban development planned in these Projects is
always for a high density city model.
It seems that without the idea of reaching the 1980´s European Projects high densities (45m c/
m s), nor the current ones in Manhattan (9m c/m s which logically draw a different city model
from the Mediterranean one), it might be necessary to tend in Spain to greater plot ratios,
in order to make more economic sustainable these high expensive but high necessary Urban
Regeneration Projects.
4 Under currently negotiation
286 360.revista de alta velocidad