Page 18 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 18
Folgueira, César. Jaro, Lorenzo.
4.3 Madrid-Galicia
Between Madrid and Galicia, the total number of passengers in all modes between 2007 and
2016 fell at a rate of 1,4% per year.
Figure 11. Evolution of annual demand between Madrid and Galicia.
4.4 Madrid-León
Between Madrid and León, the total number of passengers in all modes between 2007 and 2015
grew at a rate of 0,6% per year.
Figure 12. Evolution of annual demand between Madrid and León.
4.5 Madrid-Asturias
Between Madrid and Asturias, the total number of passengers in all modes between 2007
16 360.revista de alta velocidad