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Test and Certification of Railway automation and digitalization approaches (Rail 4.0)

                       Signalling  Companies)  have  specified  the  ETCS  by  writing  the  SRS  (System  Requirements
                   Specification    SRS    [1])  and  produce  and  deliver  ETCS  components  for  different  railway
                   undertakings and infrastructure manager like Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways) in Europe.
                   Before these may come into operation, their conformity with the SRS and their interoperability
                   has to be proven with lab tests as stated in previous section.
                   The issue 3.1.0 of the conformity test was specified by the   Subset-076 Working Group   (CEDEX,
                   DLR, INECO, MULTITEL, RINA). This specification includes the Hardware-in-the-loop tests of the
                   ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment [1], the method of their creation [2] and the method of test
                   [3]. The specification of the reference lab architecture [4] completes the set of specifications.
                   Some of the UNISIG companies are implementing products or just finalising them. Some test
                   trips  (field  tests)  have  been  performed  successfully  on  the  German  pilot  line  Jueterborg-
                   HalleLeipzig. Currently the last steps of implementation of the tests are performed and the
                   latest version will be published very soon. The test target has been defined, generic test cases
                   have been specified and the method for the generation of the final test sequences has been
                   developed and realised. For the better understanding of the following sections these steps will
                   be discussed shortly in the following.

                                                Figure 2: Relation between SRS and Test Sequence

                   The defined target of test sequences is to test each requirement of the SRS at least once. Firstly,
                   to organise and reduce the amount of requirements of the SRS, more than 200 features have
                   been identified. After this, the required positive and negative test cases have been created for
                   each feature. Totally more than 1700 test cases have been generated. Equivalent test cases for
                   different ETCS modes or levels have been merged to reach a first optimisation and reduction of
                   number of test cases. This means that test cases which are applicable for different mode-level
                   combinations are described as only one test case, if the feature was not dedicated to a specific
                   mode-level combination. Important is the testing of the feature itself. Just for clarification,
                   each ETCS mode is an operational state of the on board equipment and the ETCS level is an
                   overall degree of the usable functionality of ETCS. For the execution of the tests the test cases
                   are concatenated to 775 test sequences, which all start at the powering on of the on-board
                   equipment and end with the no power mode. The test subsequences are concatenated due
                   to their start- and end-conditions to reach a consistent sequence of system states. The test
                   sequences have been optimised to reach the lowest degree of redundancy of testing. Parts of
                   a test are only executed twice or more if they are needed to reach a state which has not been
                   tested yet. Up to the test sequences the specification is completely generic. At this stage the

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  97
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