Page 103 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 103

Test and Certification of Railway automation and digitalization approaches (Rail 4.0)

                                                               Figure 6:
                     Schema of a system with additional virtual internal interface as the specification view on the specific interface to be tested

                   Fig. 5 shows a schematic view of a system where the interface in focus is on the left, and is
                   shown with some detail. The specification addresses the functional level of the Rail Technical
                   Protocol (RTP) and abstract from the concrete implementation of communication through the
                   Rail Safe Transport Application (RaSTA) which utilizes an Ethernet connection. Fig. 6 gives the
                   specification view, where the additional virtual internal interface is added. Telegrams on the
                   focus interface are related to messages and observations on this virtual internal one. Technically,
                   these messages and observations are just actions of UML state machines which make up the
                   specification. They reflect actions happening on the other (masked) interfaces, but are not
                   formally related to them.
                   This works for the specification, but for testing it can of course not be done in terms of the
                   internal specification interface but needs the real behaviour on the masked interfaces. I.e., test
                   cases and operation have to take the view of Fig. 5, while their derivation must refer to Fig. 6.
                   The problem is acerbated by the unavailability of a precise relation between internal and masked
                   interfaces. In current  practice, such a relation does  not even  exist:  There are considerable
                   differences between the masked interfaces (whose standardisation is yet to be initiated) in the
                   different manufacturers' implementations of the devices as already mentioned above.

                          4.2     Solution Approach

                   Differences between the solutions of different manufacturers call for integrating them into
                   the test process in some way. Our solution relies on the assumed ability of the manufacturers
                   of  bridging the  gap between  (virtual)  internal  messages and  commands and  externals. The
                   envisaged test architecture is depicted in Fig. 7.

                                                 Figure 7: Components of the test architecture.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  101
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