Page 266 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 266

Álvarez, Fernando. Balmaseda, Lucía. Gallego, Inmaculada. Rivas , Ana. Sánchez-Cambronero, San

                 1.    Introduction

                 In  recent  years,  rail  transport  has  experienced  great  expansion  throughout  the  world,
                 becoming  an  efficient  and  competitive  transport  system  for  countries  with  thousands
                 of  kilometres  of  track.  In  the  coming  decades,  it  is  envisaged  that  new  and  ambitious
                 railway projects will be developed, whose technical difficulties in the interaction with the
                 environment by which it intends to circulate the route and the reach of greater speeds on
                 this one, make it a real challenge for civil engineering; such as the expansion of the High-
                 Speed network in China (Abu Sayeed and Shahin, 2016) and the expected development of
                 the High-Speed line in the United States (Fort and Fort, 2016).

                 With  regard  to  High-Speed  networks,  the  demographic  and  economic  growth  of  many
                 countries, which have such a rail network with optimum operating conditions and study
                 experience, have led to higher speeds in order to comply the demand and / or economic
                 objectives required of this transportation system. The increase of the speed could generate
                 an increase in the values of the loads that are transmitted to the railway platform, being
                 the speed proportional to the value of this one. This is related to the effect of the weight of
                 the non-suspended masses of the train, since, if this weight does not change but increases
                 the speed value, the dynamic effects that occur in the vehicle-track interaction, generates
                 a dynamic overload that increases the values of the loads to be supported by the track. If
                 we now refer to rail freight transport, future commercial expansion of several countries
                 may lead to increased freight and / or transport capacity by trains, either by increasing the
                 number of cars or the axle load being transmitted to the railway platform (Li,, 2016).
                 These increases in the magnitudes of the loads show that, if it is desired that this transport
                 system correctly fulfils its function, the train must circulate by a means that guarantees
                 safety and stability to the infrastructure and comfort for the passengers and loads to be
                 On  the  other  hand,  awareness  of  the  economic  and  landscape  impact  generated  by  the
                 design and construction of a High-Speed lines has led to an awareness of the importance of
                 valuing and treating the local materials of the trace, avoiding the massive waste of these
                 through their disposal can consider the possibility of subjecting them to a treatment that
                 improves their geomechanical behaviour (Gomes Correia,, 2016), and make it fit to
                 be usable in the construction of the railway platform.

                 So  far,  the  sizing  of  the  railway  platforms  has  been  carried  out  from  the  point  of  view
                 of the experience obtained in the realization of projects, being in the case of the High-
                 Speed, a very conservative sizing for the seat layers that form the railway platform. In the
                 current context of economic crisis, it is necessary, in the field of exploitation and design, to
                 introduce certain design criteria so that the cross-section of the railway is defined according
                 to criteria of efficiency and rationalization of the same.
                 These three aspects; increase of the loads that request the railway platform, geomechanical
                 characterization of recycled materials that form it, and introduction of new criteria that
                 realize a rational and efficient design of the platform; are the key reasons for carrying out
                 a study that has, as a final objective, the design of the railway cross-section in accordance
                 with criteria of technical efficiency, being stable and functional in the face of high load
                 conditions and economic efficiency, avoiding an oversizing of the same .

                 The purpose of this paper is to describe the elaboration of design recommendations, for
                 which it has previously been necessary to make a numerical model from the refined other
                 existing  model,  and  can  also  serve  as  a  future  phase  in  the  performance  of  a  dynamic
                 Finally,  the  structure  of  the  following  article  is  described,  being  organized  as  follows:

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