Page 262 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 262

Jiménez, Pablo Lorenzo. Zamorano, Clara Isabel. Escobar, Adrián. Escobar, Jorge.

                           influence the dynamic behaviour of trains, and therefore, on their elements,
                           such  as  wheels  (producing,  for  example,  flat  wheels).  Thus,  tracks  in  worse
                           condition, which are going to cause greater damage on the trains, would have
                           higher charges, which is a contradiction.

                 •  The wear of the elements is considered completely attributable to the passage of
                    trains, and does not consider the influence of time.

                 In this paper, an idea of a methodological proposal for the calculation of infrastructure
                 maintenance direct costs has been posed, based on the use of asset management tools.
                 This proposal, correctly calibrated, would allow a realistic approximation to the costs
                 directly incurred by the passage of a train.

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