Page 98 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 98

Baron, Nacima.

                 5.    Conclusion

                 Even before the transfiguration scheduled for 2025 by the architect Wilmotte (Wilmotte et
                 al 2016) which will give it a new bridge and dozens of additional retail outlets, Gare du Nord
                 shows how a process of flow engineering and the strategic management of commercial leases
                 can combine to transform the conditions of movement and consumption in stations. We have
                 seen how, in a classic space-time metric used by traffic mannagement ingineers, the pedestrian
                 is conceptualised as a rational individual who seeks to optimise his movement. In this view, a
                 retail outlet is only seen as an embellishment that contributes to customer satisfaction, but
                 alos as an encumbrance. Following this research, however, we can see that there is a much
                 richer connection between movement and commerciality in a station, and that the retail outlet
                 is a key to the flow management process. For an even closer analysis, this research would need
                 to integrate more field research (and more stations analyses) andcould  focus on two areas. One
                 would entail mapping the role of shops from and within the pedestrian’s visual cone in order to
                 achieve a finer measurement of the value added (or subtracted) through the incorporation of
                 the logic of flows into commercial production. The other research direction would be to develop
                 a cognitive approach to movement in stations in order to better understand how the pedestrian
                 drifts in radar mode within this fragmented density, this material and sensory labyrinth, from
                 one attractor to another, between positive and negative stimuli and excitements and, also,
                 with the help of digital devices (Vincent S., Ravalet E. et Kaufman V., 2015).
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