Page 344 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 344

Grindlay, Alejandro Luis. Huertas-Fernández, Miguel. Molero-Melgarejo, F. Emilio.

                 expected to multiply by more than twice the current low participation quota of the railway
                 freight transport. However the mixed use of the railway lines for both passenger and freight will
                 have reduced maintenance costs but serious management problems (INECO, 2011). According
                 to the last national infrastructure plan the foreseen evolution of transport demand shows an
                 average increase of 1.5% annually for freight transport until 2024 (Ministerio de Fomento, 2015).

                 Finally  thanks  to  the  development  of  all  the  proposed  intermodal  areas  and  the
                 improvement of the rail lines, reducing freight times and increasing competitiveness
                 the increase of the global logistic potential of all this area can also be considered.

                 5.    Conclusions and Proposals

                 Among the above mentioned territorial effects the foreseen future formation of the Southern
                 European Polycentric Metropolis in Andalusia can be underlined, and the reinforcement of their
                 existing  adequate  polycentric  urban  system. Also  the  gain  of  regional  territorial  centrality
                 of Antequera,  with  its  new  station  located  at  the  edge  of  the  city  centre,  which  will  give
                 new opportunities of political-administrative facilities decentralization, and its metropolitan
                 integration with Malaga is to be highlighted.
                 The new metropolitan relationships among medium cities and their provincial capitals should
                 be emphasized, and the expected intensification of the relationships with the regional and
                 national capitals for administrative and business purposes.
                 The Mediterranean Corridor will offer a continuous and competitive way of a more sustainable
                 transport and will enable a complete integration of the regional rail and logistic network with
                 the national and European transport networks.

                 As the corridors and crossroads are topographically clearly defined, the location of the proposed
                 logistic areas of the Logistic Andalusian Network are linked to the main transport axes and
                 consumer/production nodes. However there is a lack of a logistic area that is clearly needed
                 in the crossroads of the A-92 North and South within the rail line near Guadix linked to the
                 provincial road network, as has been previously recognized (Grindlay, 2014). This area offers a
                 space of real logistic opportunity.
                 The need for the connection of the two lines of the Mediterranean Corridor, not only between
                 Antequera and Cordoba but also between Moreda and Linares-Baeza, is also proposed. Moreover,
                 the improvement of this line is demanded from the Jaen province to reinforce the logistical
                 role of the dry port of Linares and the connection of the Almeria area with the centre of the
                 peninsula (CESPJ, 2017).
                 The minimization of the tunnel effect will come with an adequate connection of future rail
                 proximity services with a complete territorial public transport system for a suitable intermodal
                 coordination with a great multimodality as proposed in the European spatial strategy.
                 The future new developments to be proposed around the new railroads should stimulate the
                 local potentials and should focus on its multiscale and it multidimensional reality, compatible
                 with a multifunctional use.
                 6.    References

                 •  ASCHER, F. (2005). Los nuevos principios del urbanismo. Alianza, Madrid.
                 •  BELLET, C., ALONSO, P. & GUITIERREZ, A. (2012). The High-Speed Rail in Spanish Cities:
                    Urban Integration and Local Strategies for Socio-economic Develoment. In: J. M. DE UREÑA
                    (ed.). Territorial Implications of High-Speed Rail: a Spanish Perspective. Ashgate, Farnham.
                    pp. 163-196.

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