Page 191 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 191
Processes, urban impact and evaluation of the high-speed rail in the city of Zaragoza, Spain.
Valero and Félix Arranz, the Engineering Proyectos Civiles y tecnológicos S.A. and Rhein Consult
GmbH-Spieker GmbH & Co). Also there was an architect of the city in the team, Valero, which
was another value for the local representatives.
There was an institutional hurry about arriving in time to the opening of the line. In January
2000 the project was awarded to the team headed by Ferrater and started a quick process.
The project was redacted in a few months. In July, the project was approved. In August was
launched the bidding process for the construction and in December started the first phase
works. In June 2001 was launched the tender for the second phase, including the building of the
station starting that phase in September 2001. So, while the city was dealing with the process
and approval of the Master Plan, the station was being built.
Fig 11 and 12. Model and urban project in the Bofill´s proposal for the Intermodal Station competition.
Source: ricardobofill. es.
Fig 13 and 14. Model and inner space in the Ferrater´s proposal for the Intermodal Station competition.
Source: GIF and ZAV.
International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor 189