Page 428 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 428

Dalkic, Gulcin. Tuydes-Yaman, Hediye. Delaplace, Marie.

                           4.4.2      Connectivity to HSR Station

                 Currently, there are two HSR lines served at Konya HSR Station, ANK-KON and KON-IST. Konya
                 station is located relatively close to the city centre (around 2 km away). Konya train station
                 serves both HSR (12 departures and 12 arrivals per day) and conventional railways (passenger
                 and freight locomotives). In a study on the regional impacts of HSR, it was determined that 23%
                 of the passengers traveling with Ankara-Konya HSR had tourism purposes. Also, it was stated
                 that people living in Ankara mostly travel to Konya for touristic purposes (MEVKA, 2012). Photos
                 of Konya Train Station are given in Image 4. As it was stated before, there are combined HSR
                 services with intercity busses and their stop is in front of the station for the passengers going
                 Karaman and Alanya (see Image 4a). Also, there is an in-city bus stop in front of the station that
                 provides direct accessibility to city centre (Image 4d).

                 Image 4. Konya train station a) outside view (showing the intercity buses combined with HSR), b) outside view, c) railway plat-
                                               form d) public bus stop in front of the station

                           4.4.3      Observations during the technical trip to Konya

                 During the Konya technical trip, it was observed that tourist information centre located in
                 Konya Railway Station (see Image 5a) and there is bus stop in front of the station that provide
                 direct access to the city center. There is also a shared bicycle system (see Image 5b). Moreover,
                 Konya  Metropolitan  Municipality’s  smart  phone  application  was  found  as  quite  useful  that
                 provides  information  on  touristic  places,  transportation  alternatives,  public  transportation
                 stops, municipal services etc.

                       Image 5. Photos of a) tourism Information office in rail station (b) and bike-sharing system in Konya city centre

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