Page 137 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 137

Probabilistic Safety Analysis of High Speed and Conventional Railway Lines

                             2.1.5       Sub-Bayesian networks

                        Light signal

                   In this example a light signal composed of three warning signals, an advanced signal and an
                   entry signal is modeled showing the associated influential variables (see Figure 4):
                     •  Driver’s attention state                 •  Driver’s decision

                     •  Speed                                    •  Technical failure
                     •  Accidents                                •  Supervisor
                     •  Rolling stock                            •  Signal state

                     •  Terrain and infrastructure failures      •  Driver’s tiredness

                     Figure 4 Illustration of the sub-Bayesian networks associated with warning and light signs showing the corresponding variables
                                                               and links.

                        Temporal speed limit signal

                   Temporal speed limit signals consist of four signals (preannouncement, announcement, effective
                   speed limit and end of limitation signals) and are related to their influential variables:

                    •  Driver’s attention state                   •  Driver’s decision
                    •  Speeds                                     •  Technical failure

                    •  Accidents                                  •  Supervisor
                    •  Rolling stock                              •  Signal state
                    •  Terrain and infrastructure failures        •  Driver’s tiredness

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  135
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