Page 436 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 436

Dressen, Marnix


                                   Launched                                  Displayed objective
                                                                Competing against main brand Thalys, created 20
                                                                years ago, buses and car-sharing.

                                                    Commercial modalities

                 Compared to Thalys (launched 20 years ago), prices can be very low (for example 10e if traveling standing).
                 The sale is reserved for French and Belgian historical operators. Loyalty programs (even Thalyscard) are not
                 valid. Loss in case of cancellation. Only works off-peak (after 9am and after 8pm), two daily lines (three on
                 Sundays). Significant elongation of travel times (Paris Bruxelles in 2 hours and 8 to 26 minutes, meaning 46
                 to 64 minutes more than in Thalys, which takes 1 hour 24 for Paris-Bruxelles). Transformation in a relative
                 low standard travel.
                 Auto-competing against Thalys, Izy showcases the beginning of International Railway low cost by implemen-
                 ting low cost in Belgium.
                 Amongst reasons for which SNCF (which owns 60% of Thalys) and its Belgian homologue SNCB (which owns
                 40%) have chosen the low cost option over reducing prices would be marketing strategy. Thalys would not
                 like to see its prestigious in business circles brand depreciated. Thalys sometimes are half empty, but ad-
                 ministrators not really caring about environmental issues deem beneficial to make “less branded” trains
                 function more.

                                                     Technical modalities

                     « Slow speed » by using on the French side of the trip ordinary rails in order to reduce
                     Over densification of occupancy on certain trains (bar disappears). No Wifi (contrary to
                     what exists on Thalys).
                     « SNCF-mobilité », the main shareholder, would like to optimize the utilization of its
                     TGVs (by renting two trains to Thalys, which are in fact destined to Izy).

                                                           TGV POP

                                   Launched                                  Displayed objective

                                      2016                                Optimizing TGV occupancy

                                                    Commercial modalities

                     Only using the train if the number of passengers registered (15 to 4 days before depar-
                     ture) is enough (from 25 to 50 depending on destinations) . Maximal flexibility (incerti-
                     tude for clients until three days before departure).

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