Page 435 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 435

Low cost in high-speed train in France. Customer-king and the public service guillotine


                                      Launched                                  Displayed objective

                                        2013                       Competing against air transport through prices

                                                      Commercial modalities

                        Idem & important charges in case of booking cancellation (in order to avoid empty
                        seats) one class only.

                        The same trip (but not necessarily the same timeslot) can cost from 10 to 85 euros.
                        Target clientele: “entry range”, young, poor, and not in a hurry, or wishing, at fixed
                        costs, to multiply trips. No first class. Phone contacts at prohibitive prices (20 euros,
                        sometimes more than the ticket price), obstacles to reservation changes (4h before
                        departure, minimum).

                        Alignement  of  OUIGO  on  Ryanair.  «  The  corollary  of  simplification,  slicing  of  the
                        product, is the optionalization of all its secondary features (...). low cost is in fact
                        the contrary of gratuity : everything has a price, and everything must be paid for
                        » (Combe, 2011, p. 5). Added to a cabin luggage, billing of power outlet, on-board
                        admission 30m before departure (controls on platform).

                                                        Technical modalities

                       a.  constitution of filled trains over densification of occupancy on certain trains (bar
                           disappears) 2

                       b.  In order to reduce tolls in some cities, trains leave and arrive in far away
                           stations (Tourcoing, Marne-la-Vallée, Lyon-Saint-Exupéry, etc.), which means
                           more time and another ticket. SNCF wishes for those trains to leave from Paris
                           stations (in 2019).

                        Intensification of train utilization (sometimes 13h a day, compared to 6 or 7 for
                        ordinary TGVs).


                   2     According to sources a OUIGO hosts 634 places against 545 in an ordinary TGV duplex, which means + 14 % or 1 268 sièges
                   against 1 000 in an ordinary TGV (+ 26 %).

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  433
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