Page 334 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 334

Grindlay, Alejandro Luis. Huertas-Fernández, Miguel. Molero-Melgarejo, F. Emilio.

                      Table 3. Situation of the logistic areas of the Logistic Andalusian Network

                                Logistic Area                  nº                    Situation

                  Seville, Malaga, Cordoba and Algeciras Bay    4     On service

                  Antequera (Malaga), Nijar (Almmeria), Ma-
                  jarabique  (Sevilla), Bailen (Jaen) and en-   5     In phase of advanced planning
                  largment of Malaga
                  Andujar and Linares (Jaen), Motril (Grana-          In phase of study or elaboration of plan-
                  da), Huelva, and Granada.                     4     ning documents
                                    TOTAL                      13

                 Source: CFV (2016)
                     Table 4. Gross surfaces of the logistic areas of Andalusia and their situation.

                                                                  GROSS SURFACES (Ha.)
                  PROVINCE  LOGISTIC AREA       ON       %         IN         %       IN      %     TOTAL
                                              SERVICE        DEVELOPMENT          PLANNING        PROVINCE
                               ZAL Almería                                           200             300
                                N.L. Níjar                         100
                    Cádiz     Z.L. Las Aletas                      159                               452
                                ZAL Bahía
                               de Algeciras             86         145                62
                               (4 Sectores)
                   Cordoba     P.L. Córdoba      23                                   13              36
                   Huelva      C.L. Huelva                                            18              18
                              C.L. Granada                                           120             150
                               C.L. Motril                                            30
                             Puerto Seco de                        99                                210
                               C.L. Bailén                                            32
                               A.L. Andújar                                           79
                               CTM Málaga
                                                 27                                                  392
                                 CTM M.
                   Málaga                                          37
                               Puerto Seco                         328

                             CTM La Negrilla    25.5                                                232.5
                               Majarabique                         207
                   TOTAL                       161.5     9        1,075       60     554      31   1,790.5

                 Source: Author based on data from CFV.

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