Page 137 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 137

South Madrid and High Speed. An example of symbiosis

                        •  Figures 50, 55: Juan Ayrault

                       •  Figure 51:
                       •  Figure 52:

                       •  Figure 53:
                       •  Figure 54:
                       •  Figure 62: Pinterest
                       •  Figures 22, 56, 60: Adif + Juan Ayrault

                       •  Figure 64:
                       •  Table 1: PTF 1987

                       •  Table 2, 3: Wikipedia + Juan Ayrault
                       •  Table 4: Juan Ayrault
                       •  Table 5: Adif+Juan Ayrault

                   12.  Acknowledgements

                   The author would like to acknowledge the encouragement received from Silvia Pérez del Caño
                   and the support of Borja Aróstegui and his impressive, well documented and interesting Doctoral
                   Dissertation about Atocha station.
                                                                                  Sine amicitia, vita esse nullam

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  135
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