Page 33 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 33

New technologies applied to railway maintenance

                       The new decision-making process consistently manages the former available information and
                   established criteria, jointly with the information provided by the new monitoring system, thus
                   providing means for questioning the maintenance interventions and decisions made so far.
                   4.     Conclusions

                   The  progress in  processing technologies  and  the  emergence  of the  Connected  Industry  are
                   incentives to reconsider the way in which the railway maintenance activity is organized and
                   Pioneering actions such as the use of augmented reality in the execution of maintenance tasks,
                   the development of predictive platforms and technologies or the use of drones to perform
                   infrastructure  maintenance  and  inspections  at  electric  substation  are  some examples  of
                   initiatives that are starting to shape this change.

                   But the real leap will come from reliable data interpretation by Big Data techniques and Machine
                   Learning to effectively cross-check commercial service information, maintenance interventions,
                   real-time  equipment  diagnostics,  infrastructure  condition  and  external  conditions.  At  the
                   horizon one can expect a notable increase in the performance of railway vehicles in terms of
                   service availability and reliability as well as opportunities to optimize maintenance costs.

                   An  adequate  integration  of technology  devices  and  the  revision of maintenance  processes,
                   together with the development of competencies and skills for the effective data processing will
                   be key-drivers to succeed.

                   5.     References

                       •  The  2016  MHI Annual  Industry  Report Accelerating  change:  How  innovation  is  driving
                          digital, always-on supply chain, Deloitte 2016
                       •  Why  Industry  4.0  is  not  only  about  IoT  devices  -  Ben  Merton, April  2017  Errores  al
                          implementar un proyecto de IoT, mcpro - Elisabeth Rojas 2016 Industry of things world.
                          Survey report 2017
                       •  Alstom Predictive and IoT researchs and outcomes.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  31
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