Page 29 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 29

New technologies applied to railway maintenance

                       Data processing, integration and interface platformsare the nexus in the Connected Industry
                   leveraging  integrated  systems and  corporate applications  to provide real added  value  to
                   maintenance activities.
                   Large  technology providers, communications  and industrial  services are  developing  data
                   integration platforms and associated Cloud Computing services, Reporting, Security Management,
                   intending to concentrate activity and to become an industrial benchmark. In parallel Open
                   Source platforms are also emerging intending to provide roughly equivalentservices.
                   On the  other hand,  data  transmission protocols  are also  being  adapted  to the  Connected
                   Industry, for example Sigfox, LoRa standards improving the efficiency and optimizing the energy
                   consumption of the interface.
                   Integration Platforms are the core of Big Data, setting-up the basic structure to provide integrity
                   and analysis potential to exchanged data, from which it is possible to launch algorithms and
                   processing routines to extract the relevant information.
                   In the field of railway maintenance, this basic data structuring is even more important because
                   of the great heterogeneity in the sources (customer, infrastructure, vehicles, maintenance) and
                   in the information provided, sometimes lacking the minimum required reliability to subject to

                   Decisions surrounding the selection and management of these platforms are complex and due
                   to the current dynamism that they must be supported by work groups with adequate vision and
                   technical skills.

                   2.     Adoption strategy

                   Defining a clear strategy for introducing new technology, providing it with a plan and specific
                   resources for its achievement and involving all levels of the organization are key factors to
                   secure the integration project.
                   To this end, it may be appropriate to carry out an initial evaluation of the possibilities of the
                   new technology to solve those relevant problems and inefficiencies noticed by the organization
                   together with the required changes or adaptations. On the other hand, segmenting new tools
                   according to their state of maturity and risk for evolution, together with the ratio [outcome
                   quality -cost of the investment], will provide better insight into the possibilities of technological
                   devices and into the associated risks.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  27
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