Page 235 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 235
Stabilization techniques in railway track maintenance
that can react with free lime (Ca) added with the lime or the cement.
It forms a molecule (Ettringite) which stable form has 24 molecules of water and it has a very
big swelling pressure during its formation.
Another bad circumstance may be the presence of stones bigger than the size recommended
by the administration, 80 mm. bigger stones can cause great damage in the machine with a big
3. Repairing areas with problems with soft soils or inadequate materials
It is not necessary to look for works in which similar loads be supported, or even higher, such as
aircraft landing platforms or containers platforms in a port to be able to extrapolate the benefit
of this technique to other fields.
In the following works, we will briefly describe the existing problem and the solution adopted
the form of execution carried out.
Photo 2 Drying the platform in Olmedo
As an example, we have selected the following works:
• Repair by stabilization with cement on the platform already constructed the LAV Zaragoza
to Lérida as solution to the emergence of subsidence on the platform at the time of the
installation of the track.
• Drying the platform in the high speed line Madrid – Valladolid, in Olmedo, to accelerate the
delivery of the work
Description of each one of these works:
• Repair by stabilization with cement on the platform already constructed the LAV of Zaragoza
to Lérida
The problem in this section of the Madrid ‐ Barcelona line was the emergence of soft soils,
International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor 233