Page 21 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 5
P. 21

Lightweight primary structures for High-speed railway carbodies

                       In these case an approach completely different introducing a complete new concept and new
                   materials for the primary structures in railway sector, Peris (2017).
                   The goal of the work carried out as part of Shift2Rail is to develop lighter carbody shells which
                   make full use of the possibilities of composite materials including integration of functions. This
                   is linked to identifying the specific design principles, materials and manufacturing processes that
                   fulfil the requirements set in previous projects such as REFRESCO and Roll2Rail, in terms of material
                   properties,  manufacturing  cost  and  certification. To  this  end  this  plan  envisages  to  develop  a
                   carbody made of hybrid materials (mainly composites) in the primary structure that will achieve:

                   •  Between 15 and 30% weight reduction.
                   •  Energy savings in operation, resulting from the weight reduction.

                   •  Improvements in maintainability, coming from new concepts.
                   •  The introduction of a specific health monitoring process.
                   With today’s materials and manufacturing technologies, manufacturers of rolling stock are very
                   close to the border in terms of weight optimization (Molinari, 2016), so a change of concept in
                   the structure of the car is imposed in order to reduce the weight of the structure primary. This
                   objective is aligned with the objectives set in the H2020 to reduce the life cycle cost (LCC or
                   Life Cycle Cost) globally of rail transport and to increase the capacity of the rail sector.
                   The use of material different from metal has been proved in the aeronautic industry, where
                   composites are increasingly being used in structural parts after having passed all tests regarding

                   In conclusion lighter carbodies could be made with industrial processes, provided that adequate
                   joint methods are used and there is compliance with rail safety standards.

                   Different conceptual studies have been developed based on topology optimisation and structural/
                   acoustical calculation of materials and joints in order to lay the foundation for the designing
                   phase of Shift2Rail.
                   An example of the topology optimisation is shown in figure 2. The influence of the geometry
                   and location of the cut-outs in the weight of the structure was studied. For an urban model,
                   different configurations were analysed achieving a weight improvement of up to 20% in the case
                   of decreasing the width of the door 300mm (-15% in width). For a High Speed model, up to a
                   14% weight reduction was achieved when the service door is placed at the centre of the coach.
                   At  the  end  of  Shif2Rail  project  a  full  carbody  demonstrator  with  a  hybrid  carbody  will  be
                   presented  fulfilling  the  requirement  of  weight  reduction  mentioned  before  maintaining  or
                   improving  the  current  performance  of  the  metallic  primary  structures  in  terms  of  safety,
                   durability and maintainability.

                                      Figure 11. Topology optimisation for urban trains (left) and high speed trains (right)

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  19
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