Page 379 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
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The configurations of Chinese national urban systems in both high-speed railway and airline networks

                                         Table 3. Multiple regression on link strength

                                                                RSL_HSR                  RSL_Airline

                                                        Standardized coefficients  Standardized coefficients
                        Summed GDP per capital                  0.171***                   0.198***
                        Summed population                       0.254***                     0.027
                        Distance                                -0.571***                  -0.081***
                        Summed administrative level             0.287***                   0.457***

                        Observations                              1675                       1466

                        Adjusted R-squared                       0.508                       0.265

                        * p<.1       ** p<0.05       *** p<0.01"
                           a Ln transformation.

                   Distance and summed administrative level are the most significant factors to the link strength
                   in HSR and airline networks, respectively (Table 3).

                   It can be observed that the link strength has a much higher negative elasticity compared to
                   the distance in HSR than in airline networks. This makes sense considering that with all other
                   things being equal, the attractiveness of HSR services decreases when travel time increases
                   (Givoni and Dobruszkes, 2013). If we eliminated the distance factor that can be considered
                   as not being an attribute of cities, the model describes 19.7% and 25.9% of the variation in
                   link strength in the HSR network and the airline network, respectively. This means that the
                   geographical distance between cities in HSR networks has a larger impact on the link strength
                   of city pairs than in airline networks. The reason could be that link strength is much more
                   sensitive to the distance decay effect in HSR rather than airline networks and that the HSR
                   travel is heavily restricted by the geographic condition of terrains. Furthermore, the negative
                   sign of summed administrative level reflects that nodes of city links with a lower administrative
                   level show low travel demand in between. However, the summed administrative level is much
                   more elastic to the link strength in airline networks and thus proves that city nodes with a
                   higher administrative level and being far away from each other tend to be served by airline
                   travel.  That indicates that public service obligations or any other governmental mechanism
                   guarantees some decent level of airline service between distance cities.

                          4.2     Community structure

                   According to the HCA analysis, we visualized the communities of the HSR and airline network,
                   respectively in Figure 7. The dendrograms of HCA of HSR and airline networks, which are
                   presented in Appendix (A), can reflect the extent to which city nodes are bonded within each
                   community. A shorter bracket and a lower position in the dendrogram trees mean a stronger
                   relationship between a pair of cities in the subgroup.

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  377
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