Page 371 - 360.revista de Alta Velocidad - Nº 6
P. 371

The configurations of Chinese national urban systems in both high-speed railway and airline networks

                   Where we define   as the city centrality, indicating the relative strength of city i in the
                   national transportation network.   is the total number of passenger volumes associated with
                   city  i,  and  i≠j.  Cities  with    values  above  1  are  considered  dominant  because  they  are
                   more important than the average of the other cities in the network. To compare the different
                   positions  of  cities  in  the  two  transportation  networks,  we  further  categorized  3  classes  of
                   dominant cities (the first class with a DIT value larger than 10 as national dominant cities, the
                   second class with a DIT value between 5 and 10 as regional dominant cities, and the third class
                   with a DIT value between 1 and 5 as local dominant cities (Wang and Jing, 2017).

                   Where we define    as the connectivity of a city pair, indicating the relative strength of a
                   link connected by the national transportation network.   is the total number of passengers
                   travelling between cities i and j, and i≠j.    is the value for all links in the network sum to
                   unity, while individual values range from 0 to 1. A value of 1 represents the highest strength of
                   a link. Since some RSL values will be rather small, to clear understand their strength values, the
                   RSL value is multiplied by 1000 (Derudder and Witlox, 2009). According to the multiplied value
                   of link strength, we categorized 5 classes of dominant city links (the first class with a RSL value
                   larger than 20, the second class with a RSL value between 10 and 20, and the third class with a
                   between 5 and 10, the fourth class between 1 and 5.
                   We  further  perform  a  multiple  linear  regression  to  investigate  the  differential  impacts  of
                   attributes  of  urban  systems  on  the  city  and  link  strength  in  both  transportation  networks.
                   Following the existing literature, in Table 1 we considered a mix of geographic, social, economic
                   and political attributes related to cities as potential covariates.

                                    Table 1. Independent variables for regression analysis

                      Variables         Information         Source    Mean_HSR    SD_HSR  Mean_Airline  SD_Airline
                                       City strength
                     GDP per (mi-  Gross domestic product per   Chinese urban   3712.4   3989.6   2549.6   3431.5
                      llion yuan)      capita for a city   statistical
                      Population                           yearbooks    578.5     428.7      452.2       402.9
                     (inhabitants)    Population for a city    2014
                                  The average distance of one   Calculated by
                       Average    city to other cities connected        551.4     175.2      914.2       320.8
                     distance (km)                        authors from
                                   by HSR or airline networks    GIS
                     Administrative   Hierarchical administrative   (Ma, 2005)   2.7   0.5    2.8         0.5
                        level          level (scored)
                                  3=Municipality level city 2=
                                 Sub-provincial/ regional capital
                                  level city 1 = Prefecture city
                                       Link strength
                                    Summed gross domestic
                     Summed GDP     product per capita for
                      per (million                                      9361.4    6604.1    12145.1      6923.8
                        yuan)      each city pair of origin and
                       Summed       Summed population for   Calculated by
                      population   each city pair of origin and         1264.0    607.5      1489.3      854.0
                     (inhabitants)      destination         authors
                                   The geographical distance
                     Distance (km)                                      605.3     363.3      1086.2      583.1
                                     between a city pair
                                  Summed administrative level
                     Summed admi-  for each city pair of origin and      5.3       0.8        4.5         0.7
                     nistrative level

                   International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain) - 25th anniversary Madrid-Sevilla corridor  369
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