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The influence of track design parameters on track geometric quality


Author/s: Fernanda Viana Rodrigues, Adelino Ferreira

In the study of track design parameters it is mandatory that parameterization establishes a good compromise between the safety, comfort and economic parameters of the vehicle-track system. The knowledge of the requests that result from the interaction of the rolling stock and track set is important since the vehicle is subject to several parasitic movements when in motion. These are determined by the movements of the vehicle itself, the track and the track geometry defects. This article presents the results of analysis of some conceptual aspects of track design parameters, including the characteristics of geometric elements, their sequential structure and their effect on the appearance of defects in track geometry. We also underline the importance of harmonizing the values used in design parameters with the stability of the track geometry, depending on its structure and maintenance.

Keywords: Track, geometric quality, maintenance, track displacement, cant, gradient, track design parameters.

Publication: Vía Libre Railway Research Nº 5


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